Saturday, April 21, 2007

TABO crembola

For those cremation geeks who want to know more about the crembola:

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In the TABO crembola your ashes are put into a drum which is perforated like a sieve, so your ashes can only drop out when they have been ground small enough. The drum is rotated with an electric motor. During the first turn of the drum, the milling-balls, which later pulverize all that is left of you, are detached. Your pulverized remains fall, as you are ground down and down ever smaller and smaller, into an urn or pan. When the milling is finished, the drum momentarily ceases to rotate and then starts again in the opposite direction. The milling-balls are caught by a ball catcher and the scrap metal (nails from your casket, your artificial joints) is automatically emptied into a separate pan. Some crematorium use a ash "mill" with a flailing titanium chain, rather than metal balls, but the result is the same: you are ground smaller and smaller.

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The process of powdering you can take up to 30 minutes, but the Facultatieve Technologies High Speed Cremulator will grind you up in two minutes.

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