Wednesday, December 19, 2012

How To Make Planning A Memorial Easier

No one wants to do it but there comes a time when it has to be done. Everyone has to plan a memorial some time in their life. Whether it is a friend or a family member, it is never easy to do but it has to be done and done right. There are a few things you can do to make planning a memorial easier.


Plan Ahead
Are you the type of person who likes to plan ahead? Do you, a friend or a family member have a life long illness that you know will take your life one day? If this is the case, plan everything ahead for yourself or your loved ones. It won’t be easy to do but planning ahead will make things easier than having to rush through things when the time actually comes.

Monday, August 06, 2012

Funerals: The Final Salute to the Departed

A funeral is an important part of the departed loved ones' grieving process. People all around the world have funeral rites depending on their culture and beliefs. It is a time for them to celebrate the life lived by the departed and is very significant as the other milestones in a person's life like birth, graduation, and weddings.


The funeral rite is the right time and place to express grief, sorrow, and depression that a person might have felt due to a loved one’s passing. It is the place to talk about the deceased's accomplishments, where you can have the support of the community, to help you get through these difficult times.

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Importance of Funeral in Every Religion

A funeral service is always associated with extreme sadness and religious traditions. Every religion in the world has different funeral practices because it is an important part of the family and friends’ grieving process. It gives them support through the mourning period and they will be given time to remember, honor and affirm their departed family or friend.

Photo: thehoneybunny

Since every person will have to deal with death at some point in their lives, funerals make it easy for people to release pent-up emotions, which can lead to emotional and psychological healing.