Thursday, May 07, 2009

Planning Funeral Arrangements

Funeral planning is a difficult process involving emotional stress, financial decision making and uncertainty. You may have a clear idea of your wishes, or you may want to seek the guidance of family, clergy, or some other adviser, in addition to a funeral director, in making your decisions. Without some guidance, the options and information surrounding funerals and arrangement planning can seem overwhelming at an already complicated time. If you want to ensure that your wishes are carried out, and are comfortable doing so, you and your loved ones can plan for your funeral and body disposition while you are still healthy enough to participate.

Funeral Planning
Photo: craptastic

Some Helpful Tips on Planning Funeral Arrangements

Planning funeral arrangements are never easy, as it involves pain, mourning after the loss and the discomfort of preparing for the family and loved ones left behind. In this article, I will share some tips regarding funeral arrangements and some facts, too.
  1. As death takes place in the family, the primary instinct of most people is to call their family doctor. True enough, the family physician (or any alternative if necessary) would be in service of, and confirm the fact of death, and will then complete the death certificate if required.
  2. Bear in mind that when it comes to funeral arrangements, there are 2 reasons why funerals are necessary and imperative. The first one is for technical reasons. It also enables that the body is cremated or officially buried. Then, the second reason is that it helps the family adjust to death. More importantly, to remember that funerals are actually for the living and not for the dead.
  3. Funeral arrangements also include floral tributes which could either be delivered to the residence or the funeral home. If sent to the latter, the cards are detached from the floral tributes and must be given to the family to recognize who sent the tributes. On the other hand, if they are delivered to the residence, normally, a tiny vase or a flower pot displaying an individual's continuous empathy and compassion for the family and the ones left behind is suggested.

    The florist also sets an identification card on the floral tribute.
  4. Take note that in funeral arrangements, additional funeral services could also involve other preparations of the body, embalming and the transfer of the remains from the place of death to the funeral home. Also, some equipment and services can comprise the use of the flower car and the hearse, the funeral ceremony and many others.
  5. When you have a friend who is mourning over the loss of a loved one, if you want to help, it also means that you too, as a friend would share some of the pain and sorrow.

    You can help and support your friend by assisting in funeral arrangements. A good time to visit a mourning friend is after about 1 or 2 weeks. It is highly essential to keep up constant correspondence with your pal two to three months after the loss. This kind of understanding and compassion involve a special kind of bonding and friendship. Your friend also needs you to share, cry, talk, bring to mind the pain, the loss, or whatever experiences or sentiments or even just to sit side-by-side in complete silence with you. It's your presence or "being there" quality that counts.
  6. The children must also be given the chance to attend funerals-especially that of the family and close relatives. Nevertheless, kids must not be forced to go. It's always supportive that it should be explained what to expect at this kind of event before the child is requested to settle on if they like to partake in the experience.

Funeral Sign
Photo: A Different Perspective

The author of this article Amy Twain is a Self Improvement Coach who has been successfully coaching and guiding clients for many years. Amy recently published a new home study course on how to boost your Self Esteem overnight. More info about this "Quick-Action Plan for A More Confident You" is available at